A few years ago I wrote this post on my personal blog. I remember writing it and allowing myself time for reflection. I loved this post. I loved looking back on my childhood and seeing where my grandparent’s guidance had shaped me into the woman I am today.
My mom and dad worked full-time so my sister and I stayed with our grandparents a lot. I spent many afternoons and summer days at their little green 1930s, nondescript home that they lived in for over 63 years.
My nanny was easily one of my best friends. She was a quiet, kind soul who will also surprise you with a little bit of sass when the time calls for it. Her mac-n-cheese would knock you off your seat and if you need a good prayer warrior she was your girl. Her appreciation for genealogy and leaving a legacy has influenced me greatly as an adult. She passed away last year and the hole she left is indescribable but the lessons she left me with are immeasurable.
My grandpa was a WW2 soldier who carried a lot of demons from his time in the war, but he was good to me. I have wonderful memories of visiting my grandpa’s workshop area and watching him tinker with some recent flea market acquisition. While not a very large man, my grandpa had a very large presence. He was highly respected, loved, and feared.
My mom’s parents became like second parents to my sister and I. Growing up with your grandparents 3 miles down the road is one of the greatest blessings I take from my childhood. My grandpa stepped up in a major way after my dad died, and my grandma became my biggest confidant after I got married. These two individuals shaped my life and my heart in more way than I can explain
I cannot put into words how grateful I am that my grandparents played such an active roll in my life.
Thirty year old me looks back at twenty-two year old me and thanks her for this post. For writing this all down before they both passed away and for writing down the legacy of two incredible people.
Things I learned from my grandparents:
- Always bring a jacket and wear shoes anytime you leave the house
- Never let your gas tank get too low – you never know when you may hit traffic or won’t be near a gas station
- Always hold to door if someone is behind you
- Know how to use your imagination – be crafty
- Never stop learning – take something apart to learn how it works, ask questions, read and do research
- Know how to whip up a meal even when you are running low on food or need to go to the store
- Respect your elders – say please and thank you, no ma’am and yes sir.
- If a friend or family member asks you to do a favor, do it. Never know when you will need them to return the favor.
- It’s ok to get aggravated, but be careful who you “vent” too
- Always say grace before a meal
- Never lose your inner child
- Keep your “bad habits” away from kids (my grandpa never smoked around us)
- Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do – it’s part of life
- Cherish the memories
- It’s ok to do something special for yourself.
- Be a parent first, friend later
- It’s ok to leave the dirty dishes in the sink sometimes
- People can change. It may take weeks, months, or years… but people can change
- Don’t let anyone dull your shine
- Treat senior adults like ADULTS. They have earned it and even with their health failing they do not deserve to be talked to like children.
- It’s ok to cry
- Never forget the power of a good book
- Fashion fades, but style is eternal
- It’s never too late to do the things you wanted to do
- Don’t let anyone make you feel like you are less of a person.
- Don’t let anyone crush your dreams.
- Don’t let anyone tell you you aren’t worth it.
- When you are feeling down or stressed — pray and “get that devil off your shoulder”
- Respect the USA and support our troops
- Life isn’t easy and the roads will be rough but don’t let that make you a hard and bitter person
- If someone is on your mind, reach out to them. God put them on your heart for a reason
- Do not doubt God-engineered encounters
- Jewelry is an investment
- Hug. Often.
- Say ‘I love you’. Often.
- You don’t have to have the biggest and best of everything to be happy
- Never underestimate the power of a kind word
- Sharing a meal with others is the best way to bond
- Dogs are more than animals, they are part of the family
- Spoil the ones you love
- Knowing how to load and shoot a gun, bait and throw a fishing line, and check your cars oil are all things girls should be taught
- Never pay full price for anything. Use those coupons and wait for sales!
- Make time for your friends
- Go pee-pee before you leave the house
- It’s ok to buy a ton of unhealthy snack food from gas stations on long road trips
- Family is important
- Even when someone you loves does something you don’t like, doesn’t mean you stop loving them (Nanny wasn’t too happy about my first tattoo… or second… or my nose ring..)
- You don’t have to be blood to be family
- Pay your respects – go to weddings, birthday parties, and funerals
- It’s ok to move on
- Change can be good
- Don’t be bitter about the past. God has a plan.
- Be careful naming children and pets (having a boy dog named Maddux that goes by Maddi can be super confusing… for everyone…)
- Work hard
- Knowing how to make a bomb mac-n-cheese and perfect sweet tea is important
- It’s ok to not give a card with every gift
- Have a good watch
- Give back. Tithe at church, donate to charity, volunteer, buy someone a gift just because
- Play outside
- It’s ok if you make a mistake. Admit it. Move on.
- Learning to “drive” on a golf cart makes the whole driving a car thing easier
- It’s ok to make too much food
- Sometimes things don’t go as planned – just roll with it
- Wear comfortable shoes and clean underwear
- Admit when you need help. Accept help when it is given
- Be spontaneous in old age
- Be prepared. Know how to deal with a crisis and keep level-headed
- It’s ok if you don’t think all babies are cute
- If you get a tattoo, make sure it means something to you
- Write things down. If you are going out, have an appointment, need to remember something – write it down!
- Drink lots of water
- Never underestimate the power of a good ole’ gospel song
- Take the time to get to know people. Don’t let age, gender, or place in life deter you from getting to know someone.
- Make sure grandparents are active in your child’s life
- Turn your cell phone off at church… and at funerals
- Take the time to listen & appreciate those around you
- Don’t let people take advantage of you. Go with your gut. Ask questions and seek answers
- Age is just a number
- No matter how old you get, you never lose your sweet tooth
- It’s ok to go to the grocery store 3 times in one week
- Even though others may think it’s dumb, it’s ok the buy a new car or house when you are in your 80s!
- Live it up
- Don’t let others opinions weigh you down
- Walk.
- It’s ok to use salt and butter
- Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. You were created by a perfect God. A God that knew exactly what He was doing when He made you. You are beautiful.
- We each have a purpose
- It’s ok to not photograph everything. Being in the moment is important
- Go to family reunions
- Some call it hoarding, some call it memories 😉
- Not everything you see on TV/internet is true
- My faith can and will get me through anything. Doesn’t mean it will be easy.
- Pray. Hard and often.
- Marriage isn’t about happiness, it’s about the commitment you made to each other
- Don’t let laundry stay in the dyer too long or it gets too wrinkly
- Celebrate the little and big victories.
- It’s ok to keep things but it’s also ok to get rid of things.
- You are not a burden to your loved ones. Let them help you.
- The only way to heaven is through our Lord, Jesus Christ
What have your grandparents taught you!? I’d love to hear from y’all!
Absolutely beautiful! I can hear mom and pop saying those exact words! Lovely thoughts. They raised two fine granddaughters. You all rock!
They were two very smart people <3