2018 has been a tough year.
This April, on the same day we learned about my nanny’s cancer we learned that the likelihood we would get to hold my sister & BIL’s baby boy earth side was slim to none. We trudged through April – my nanny started chemo and Claire & Chris learned that Christopher has passed away. In July, at 88 years old, after fighting her best fight, my nanny passed away. She passed away on Claire and Chris’ 8th wedding anniversary. To say many of us were on auto-pilot is an understatement.
On September 6th, my sister texted me a simple ultrasound photo with the words “Surprise!” underneath. Now, I’ll be honest. I’m not a huge fan of surprises but I really liked this one 😉
We did a super cute pregnancy announcement back in March, but this time we knew somehow rainbows had to be worked in. Many people know the meaning of a rainbow baby, but the rainbow holds extra special meaning for my sister and me. After our dad passed away, there was a beautiful double rainbow over the mortuary and we thought of the rainbow God sent Noah – “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
The next time Claire and I saw each other following Nanny’s passing, we were out shopping together and a stunning double rainbow appeared right in front of us.
So yeah, we like rainbows.
Thanking God for reminding us in the darkest moments that He is there and is walking beside us. That after the rain, there is always a rainbow. And that we have something extra special to look forward to in 2019.
Anyway, I came up with the idea of using the colorful beauty at Rocket Fizz in Downtown Columbia (shout out to the manager and team member who graciously allowed us to use the store!) and below you will see the results! Laughs, rainbows, and lots of candy!
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