About my life:
Born and raised in the South, I love Jesus, people, and sweet tea. I say 'y'all' way too much but I'm super sarcastic. I am an Enneagram 2 and my Love Language is Act of Service - so clearly photography was meant to be!
1: I married my husband the day I graduated high school! I was 18, and clearly crazy 😉 It's always a fact about myself that people find so interesting and I'm happy to report we are still together. We live in downtown Greenville, SC with our daughter and two old pups.
2: Growing up, my parents placed a lot of value on travel and I have been blessed to be able to travel a good bit. Learning about other cultures and history was a priority for them and I also blame them for my crazy travel bucket list!
3. I love graphic tees and tea towels. If they are quirky or have a good pun on them, even better!
4. I am super animated. If you knew that I grew up in chorus and musical theatre it would all make sense. My favorite musicals are: Waitress, Phantom of the Opera, Dear Evan Hansen, Les Mis, & Aida! (wow, that was hard to narrow down. Beautiful: A Carol King Musical, Tootsie, and Hamilton are also favs!)
5. I love to bake and in another life, I would own my own bakery!
Hi! I'm Mary!
A little about my business:
In 2006, my junior year of high school, I decided to sign up for a darkroom photography class. And it all kind of spiraled from there! I fell in love with photography - the entire process. I thrived in that class and enjoyed all the technical challenges. I mean, I was pretty awesome at photographing still life.
Photographing people? I figured I would give it a try and in 2008 I started my photography business! Whoop whoop!
My business kicked off in Camp Lejeune, NC where my husband was stationed and I spent several years photographing military homecomings. In March 2009, I shot my very first wedding (with my sister as my 2nd shooter) and it's been my joy ever since.
I specialize in family and wedding photography in Greenville, South Carolina, as well as destination weddings.
Getting natural interactions is my absolute favorite thing and I try hard to infuse every session with lots of laughs. When a client tells me they are stiff in front of the camera or feel awkward, I work hard to make sure they walk away feeling great and loving their photos.

I love Sylvester Stallone, vinyl records, wacky prints & poppy seed bread.
I believe in travel, kindness, good conversation, & lazy mornings in PJs.
I have curly hair & make a lot of silly faces.
I can’t live without my Savior & family
Think we may be a good fit?! Head on over to my contact form or feel free to call me!