To the photographer who doesn’t feel good enough:
I was you. Some days I still am.
I look on Facebook and dream about a glamorous destination weddings or having hundreds of thousands of likes. I wish I was one of the popular photographers that so many rave about and flock to workshops for and hangs out with other popular photographers.
But I’m not. I have let comparison and jealously rule my life and business for so long. And I’m tired.
The only limits I have are the ones I put in front of myself. I doubted my talent and whether clients would value me. I asked myself several times this year if I should close up shop.
Comparison can be your greatest enemy. It can steal your happiness and confidence. It can make your dreams fade away.
I wish I had a magical pill that boosted your confidence and business, but I don’t. So, what changed for me this year? Oh, I wish it was simple and it isn’t a one size fits all, but I’ll be happy to share.
The first thing I did was sit down and really pray about my business. Was this where God intended me to be? I didn’t ask for a turtle to walk in front of me and tell me to keep going, I prayed that God would open my heart and mind to whatever He had planned for me.
“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” — Proverbs 16:3
The second thing I did was reach out to other photographers. These were photographers that I wanted to get to know as a person, not as business owners. I found photographers that post funny stories or respond to questions on a local board. This was not a business strategy for me – it was a way for me to meet people who get this business – the good, the bad, the ugly. Don’t get me wrong, I still see photographers that I would LOVE to meet or be friends with, and sometimes the best step is to say, “hi.”
The third thing I did was sit down and do the math. What do I think I’m worth. This was super hard for me and I still stress out about it but why would a client see my value if I couldn’t? I had a client recently look me in the eyes and say, “You are worth it. We will pay you what you want to charge.” I don’t know if this groom knows it, but those words catapulted me into a new level of confidence.
I’m tired of being jealous. I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not good enough… because, you know what? I AM GOOD ENOUGH.
Shut down the haters in your life and the little voice telling you that you can’t.
So if you are tired of feeling like you aren’t good enough, remember that God’s plan is bigger than you know. He will take you down roads you never imagined and He will walk right beside you.
And you, my friend, are amazing.
ryann winn says
Mary this post is just beautiful. God wrote these words through you. God bless!
marydecrescenzio says
Thank you! Find me on FB – Mary Louise DeCrescenzio!! <3
bmariephoto says
This is beautiful! Thank you for the encouragement!! And whenever you need the reminder yourself, just let me know and I’ll tell you to keep going – you’re good enough!
marydecrescenzio says
Thanks girlie! Find me on FB – Mary Louise DeCrescenzio! <3
Bethany says
Yes!!! I needed this! First and foremost, I needed the reminder to take my business to the Lord. I’ve been getting so sidetracked. All our needs and joys should be shared with him. Thank you for this encouragement, girl!!!
marydecrescenzio says
Yes ma’am! He has is under control!! Thank you for commenting! Good luck this coming year – You’ve got this!
Rachel says
Thanks for these words. You’re not alone in this struggle. I love the fact that you PRAYED for your business. God has been moving me to do the same, and stop comparing myself to others or try to find all the flaws in my work. 2016 is the year for me! Thanks for the encouragement!
marydecrescenzio says
2016 WILL be your year! I’m glad I was able to help in some way! You’ve totally got this and if you ever feel down, I’m always here for ya! <3