Ten years ago I photographed Legnaliz’s Quinceanera and she is officially my longest running/oldest repeat client! I have loved getting to know her over the years and look forward to seeing her year after year. Since getting married, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know her husband, Wendell, as well!
This mini session was sceduled for this spring and should include her family but… well… COVID. We then tried to do a session in June while we both happened to be in the Myrtle Beach area – but rain. Hahah! These two got up super early this past Sunday and came to Greenville where we (finally!) were able to do their session!
Legnaliz & Wendell – thank you for driving up to Greenville but more for trusting me with your anniversary sessions over the last few years. I have loved getting to see you and know you both and I’m gonna stop with the mushy stuff and share your photos! 😉
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