So, for my first Mary Mondays I thought I would do a little “Five Things You (Might Not) Know About Me!”
1. My first cruise was The Big Red Boat.
I remember wanting to get all of the characters to sign my Tweety Bird stuffed animal. When I got to Tweety Bird he refused to sign it! I instantly started bawling my eyes out and my dad had to calm me down. Apparently, Mr. Bird thought I was trying to give my stuffed animal to him, not asking for a signature. The damage was done. I was so upset… so I went to the ice cream shop and ate a giant sundae.
2. I am 13.5 months younger than my sister.
To put that in perspective I would have to be close to giving birth to my 2nd child in order for Mila to have a sibling that close in age. CRA-ZY. I don’t know how my mom survived.
3. I am a mac-n-cheese snob.
Snob is putting it mildly. I know what good mac-n-cheese tastes like and not all are equal.
4. I like my steaks rare.
I was raised by a medium-well mom & dad but as I got older I found I love rare steak. My sister still makes faces when I order at dinner 😉
5. My curly hair didn’t make an appearance until middle school.
I get a ton of compliments on my curly hair but what many don’t know is that I didn’t actually have them until middle school! I had a weird wavy thing going on and then one day they sprung. I would LOVE for Mila to have my girls as a toddler but we will have to wait and see!
So there you have it! Five random things about me!
Do you have any questions that you want to ask me!? Let me know and you may see them on Mary Mondays! 🙂
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